Wale’s new mixtape More About Nothing is getting released TOMORROW! He released a single off of it this morning, called “Black And Gold”. It’s an amazing song and I think the mixtape will be great ! Check the song out, here. (scroll down and click the play button) Check back here tomorrow for reviews on the mixtape!

DyMeADuZin is a rapper who’s young and but not so new in the game. I’ve been following him for awhile (first saw him on YouTube, he’s really funny) and then I started to get into his music. He’s a rapper but is also one of the leads in a band called PhonyPpl (which i’ll post about tomorrow). His sound his new and refreshing and he just recently (about two or three months back) released a mixtape called “The Orientation.” His first mixtape (I believe, not totally sure) is “Shut Up and Listen =X“. My favorite tracks off his first mixtape are “Suicide iz Painless“,”Sh3 Sexy” and “In A while” . He also expresses his funny side on the song “Shawty is a -10” . Here’s one of his singles off of “The Orientation” called “MILF“. Great song hahah (: Check out the rest of his music at his YouTube page, HERE!.

You may or may not have heard the song, “All Summer” by Kid Cudi ft Rostam Batmanglij ft. Bethany Cosentino. The song is part of a movement with Converse, called “Three Artists, One Song”. Just like the project title says, it’s three artists one song. The song “All Summer” is a GREAT song//theme for summer time. Check the song HERE! You wont regret it, it’s really dope.

Diggy Simmons is a very new rap artist, who is the son of the famous Rev Run from Run DMC. Diggy was recently signed under Atlantic Records and has been putting together a new mixtape called “Airborne”. He released one new song off of it called “Great Expectations.” The release date for the full mixtape is coming soon, but you can listen to his other music at his blog, here!

Esna is a new singer that has a brilliant voice. Her songs are mostly on youtube videos and only for download if you e-mail her and ask for the mp3. Her voice has a calming coffee house sound that will leave you wanting to listen to more of her songs. She does a lot of cover songs on you YouTube channel but also has up some of her own original songs. I believe she’s just recently set up some type of recording contract, so be on the look out for Esna!


S-Preme is a new Chicago rapper on the rise who’s been working on many projects lately. One of his most successful projects was released back in November and it was called “The Sicktape Vol. 2”. His music is mostly rap but he also is exploring different types of music too. He’s taking a new approach with his latest project, called “S-Prodigy”. It is new and inventive, and will be out soon! S-Premes latest track he released a few days ago is called “Popular”. It’s a song with sound different from both The SickTape and S-Prodigy. Check out his blog to listen to more of his music!  http://supremetheartist.blogspot.com/.

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A young rapper but not one to underestimate is my good friend propaYne. He’s been rapping since he was very young, and all his work has paid off. He just released two mixtapes recently, Project Sixteen and Ode to Ye. He’s on his way to releasing another one, called When In Rome. Be on the look out and give his music a listen to at his blog, http://echelondon.tumblr.com/ . Prepare to be amazed!

Pompaloose music is a group of two who create every sound they need by using their voices or a few extra instruments. They do some originals but mostly covers of songs, but they are amazing and they really deserve to be known. They have been featured on the YouTube homepage a few times, and have a lot of fans. Check out their YouTube account here—> http://www.youtube.com/user/PomplamooseMusic

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An amazing group that’s not exactly “new” but underrated and not well known is the group “Late Night Alumni”. They got together back in 2003 . They have a few singles, including “Empty Streets” which is a great single. Now they have just released a new album, called “Of Birds, Bees, Butterflies, Etc.“. Visit their website http://www.latenightalumni.com/news.php .

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